Keeping Betta Fish
Betta fish were once bred as fighting fish and some of this aggression has kept its roots making them one of the more aggressive freshwater fish. As a result they can succumb to wounds that get infected or even just die of stress from being chased around. Can You Keep More Than One Betta Fish Together Nice Betta Thailand Co Ltd You should never keep a single fish in the same tank as a Siamese fighting fish as they will constantly bully the same individual. Keeping betta fish . To fulfill the demand almost every local fish stores keep the Glow Betta fish in stocks at nearly any time of the year. Another thing to keep in mind is that while tetras can typically thrive in a 10-gallon tank and a betta can live in one that is just two gallons if he lives alone the tank must be larger if you are keeping the two species together. Your Bettas appearance and behavior is a good way to measure how he is feeling. In this betta care guide we go over basic tips to help you be successful ...