How To Get Rid Of Hairballs
Fish is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. A quarter teaspoon of Metamucil or another fiber product can be added to the food for the same effect. How To Get Rid Of Hairballs In Cats Floppycats You can try fish-based wet food cans or pouches as well as regular tuna cans. How to get rid of hairballs . Signs of Hairballs in Cats. If a hairball is not eliminated or surgically removed it may get stuck in the cats throat or intestines resulting in death. You can add a few tablespoons of high-fiber cereal to your cats food to help process those hairballs. Ad Search Hairballs In Cat. Amazon sells Todds Seeds cat grass seeds. Your vet may recommend ingestible gel or another solution that will help dissolve the fatty hairball such as NaturPet Hairball Care. Laxatives are another option but you must never use the without veterinary guidance as you can easily do more harm than good. Other methods you can try include adding a teaspoon of bran to her food. This natural fi...